Thursday, September 18, 2008


"You're really getting to be a whiner," he said.

"What do you mean?"

"All this apologetic shit you put on your blog about taking photographs. It makes me sick. Exotic, erotic, the other--it's all intellectualizing. It's all horse shit."

"You don't think those are important questions," I asked him knowing he wasn't going to give me a bookish argument.

"They might be. Or they might be the wrong questions. Hell, man, everybody loves titties. Men, women, children--the whole universe loves titties. They're the source of life, mother's milk. Why do you think god made them that way?"

"You have any naked pictures of your mother?" I asked.

I could tell he started to get mad, but slowly his mouth formed an impish smile.

"Not with me."

1 comment:

  1. When he aswered no to your question, "You have any naked pictures of your mother?"

    You should've said, "want some?"
