"Remember how good things used to be? Wait, I mean how bad. No, now is bad. Well, I mean we have better ideas because we can see the mistakes of the past. Some of us. Not like then. I mean, like what were they thinking? Exploiters. There were some liberators. We like them. Some of them. I lived with the oppressed for a long time. There was a lot of bad there. But they were victims, so that was OK, I guess, except for how they treated. . . well, you know. It was bad, but. . . I would like to help them now. That's the thing, right? Like I want to help people, but I'm so messed up and I can't even help myself, you know? Not that messed up. I mean like I don't do anything bad to anyone. Not on purpose. We all do things without thinking about it, though, and I feel awful about that. All the old heroes. We don't have heroes any more which is probably good. There's always something to hide. "
ReplyDeleteMy favorite new photo and post.
And I was worried about posting that.
ReplyDeletei love poetry you see.