I did. I watched the Golden Globes last night. Ricky Gervais who hosted was spot on, as they say, about actors. Most important people in the world. Who cares about writers and directors. We just want to watch the pretty people. He was being ironic, of course, but irony only works where there is truth. These are the people we picture ourselves to be. What man hasn't gotten behind the wheel of an automobile once in awhile and in his head listened to the theme song from a James Bond movie? I've actually walked a red carpet at a film festival, and even that was a heady experience.
Now don't mistake me. I am not a geek for the real people, just the images. The real people are often disappointing. I once was having drinks with a friend of mine who had just won a national aerobatics championship flying his experimental bi-wing airplane. He had a fellow named Robert over who was going to race in the Twelve Hours of Sebring the next day, and my friend was going to fly him down. It was Robert's first time racing, and he was full of it. He was a witty guy and as we stood around the kitchen we traded barbs for quite awhile before something began to occur to me. His last name was Carradine, and slowly. . . .
"Heeeey, wait a minute, your brother is Keith?"
No shit, that is what I said. I went on about Keith Carradine whose film "The Moderns," as well as many others, was among my favorites. And then I spoke of David. Eventually, though, Robert was visibly miffed, and he said, "Yea, I made more money in 'Revenge of the Nerds' than either of them made in their entire careers." I had not seen that movie, so I was still slow on the uptake.
"Wait a minute, you're an actor, too," I told him as if he might not be aware, suddenly realizing the faux pas I'd been committing all night. "You were in 'One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest.' Weren't you in 'The Long Riders" as well?'"
It was a grand night. I've still never seen the "Nerds" movies.
"Avatar" won Best Picture last night. That must have been, as Ricky Gervais suggested, bought and paid for. Jeff Bridges won best actor for a film most people haven't seen yet. And "Mad Men" won something. I was glad about that. The first two seasons are as filled with complexity as anything you will ever view on television. The third season, not so much. Here is a link of one of my favorite scenes on the show. It might not make sense isolated here, but I think you will recognize the "bride as prize" theme in it anyway. Christina Hendrick's character is one of the most complex on the show. And oh, she was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l last night. I don't want to meet her.
still haven't made it to Avatar...having a hard time forcing myself to go...