Sunday, March 14, 2010

Coming Soon

Circus Selavy. Coming soon* to a town near you.

My idea is to make a circus in my studio, so I began buying vintage circus costumes on eBay. When the first ones came, they were small--size 0 probably--so I doubted I'd be able to use them. I shot with two size zero models this week and one of them tried the costume on. It fit like it was made for her. So I made the advert. Prematurely, since this is all I have. Still, it is something.

The group is back from India. They are jet-lagged and still in culture shock. The tales only piss me off. Two years in a row now--first Japan, now India--I haven't gone but should have. I try to console myself. They all have stomach ailments. One of my friend's puked for the last two days, even on the airplane. Not in the bag. Not in the bathroom. Their bodies will not recover for many, many days. The trip was too short. My pettiness does not help me, though. I am glum. I will try to be happy for them, but my skill in this is underdeveloped. Worse.

I wish they'd leave the clocks alone. Daylight savings can't be good for kids. It has ruined several generations. It has made them ADD. They don't get enough sleep. The sadist who have decided such things created early start times at the public schools, then made them get up in the dark and go to bed just after sunset. They wanted to require more food dyes and preservatives in school lunches, too, but there was enough of a backlash that they had to settle for serving the relief food that Ethiopia sent back. Eat a school lunch sometime.

I am fortunate enough not to have to get up to a clock, but the changing time will effect me. Where in the hell is the savings of daylight? Where in the hell is that? It is with the money that the government saves, I guess. This was the one bad idea that Benjamin Franklin had. This must have been long after the syphilis had really gotten hold of his brain. But other than that, he was a hell of a guy.

Enough of that. I will try to be happy for the travelers returned home. I will put a little sunshine in my pocket, part of what I am saving now, and smile like a chimpanzee, for what else is there for a fellow like me to do? '

This was not what I intended to post today. I was going to respond to a bit of criticism of my picture post from yesterday. But that can wait until tomorrow. Certainly.

*(depending upon your definition of soon).


  1. YAY. I agree. Hannah gets on the bus at 6:30 AM. Not being a morning person my kids poured their own cereal --filled with dye at early ages.

    And I cried -- literally -- when I had lunch in the cafeteria one time during elementary school. It was such an institution. The mean lunch ladies took recess away from the boys who can't help their jangly behavior --and need recess more than anyone and the kids got in trouble for talking too loud and they always shut the lights out to let them know they were getting too loud. It was a horrible experience and I never did it again. Way too sad.

    I've been waiting for the circus. I think the letters in Cafe Selavy are too modernish.

    I totally enjoy your "I'm happy my friends are barfing." It is sarcasm/satire that is truthful -- refreshing and liberating to read. Too bad you don't want to be a writer. :P

    I spent 2 hours on the telephone Saturday night with one of the editors from the press publishing my book of poems. We painfully/joyfully went through 90 poems line by line --I don't drink very much but I polished off nearly 2/3 of a bottle of wine through the ordeal.

    He is astute as hell and picked at the weak spots enflaming them like sore hangnails -- it was good and horrible. I don't think I want a book of my poems -- that means I can never take them back even if no one but my friends buy the book.

  2. L, Do the book. You can always "take them back," I think. You just change your mind. Going through poems "line by line" is not the way people read. Still, it is good to do before you let them go.

    Tell Hannah I said that getting on the bus at 6:30 is absolutely Puritanical. Especially in Daylight Savings.

    I don't have a circus font to use for my photos yet, but I will.

  3. Finally the circus...I've been waiting. Yes the font is modern but not bad!

    I'm with you on daylight savings time but my school doesn't start until 9:00 so we're luckier than most.
