Today, I am not so certain I have been using Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle properly. I have conflated it with other things, I think, mainly something called "the observer effect" which says that observation will effect the observed phenomenon. I've been throwing that about a lot lately. Heisenberg's principle, though, seems limited to the use of tools of measurement. It does hold that unobserved events are held in a state of 'superposition,' as if it had not happened. If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does is make a sound?
By the time I get to the mathematical proofs, I start to realize my limitations. I have a degree in one of the sciences and had to take much (for me) math and chemistry and physics, and I used to be able to understand some of the higher functions or at least follow along with a certain understanding, but I have not kept up, and now, looking at those signs and symbols, I have to admit that they want to fall back into the realm of cabal and mystery. I tell myself that I could review and get back up to speed, and I even convince myself sometimes that I will, but more and more it is just a pipe dream.
But just in the nick of time, rummaging around the internet, I come to a Will Rogers quote:
"People's minds are changed through observation and not through argument."
By George, as they say. My mood begins to change, and I start to feel as smart as a member of the Texas School Board serving on the state's Textbook Selection Committee. Dadgummit.
I am making a vow to read more in the sciences again, though. Truly, it is fun. I don't know why I ever fell away.
I'm uncertain about principles.
ReplyDeleteCertainly, then, stick to laws.