Friday, April 30, 2010

"Roadwork Ahead"

Full-fledged tired.  Worn out.  I've hung out the "Respite Wanted" sign.  No applications yet.

I am wrapping up this series soon.  I will have a number of good images to display.  But I woke last night in horror.  The film is almost all gone, but worse, last night during a shoot, the Polaroid 600 SE camera crapped out.  Now there are exposure lines at the bottom of every photograph.  What will I do, I wondered in the dark?  I still have the circus series to shoot with the remaining Polaroid film.  I will take the camera in today to see if it can be quickly repaired.  Even then, though, this "look" is almost over, almost done.

I must reinvent.  It was necessary all along, of course.  This just forces my hand.  There are options, surely.  I will have to find them.  It is easy if you just put your mind to it.  Sure it is.  But there is the challenge.  This is the test.  Even if the camera did not break, even if the film did not run out, what fool would continue to do the same thing over and over?  That is how I've succored myself with the coming of daylight.  There are options.  I am clever.  You will see.

Colleges are finishing the academic year.  The season of roadwork is about to begin.  And, of course, there is "summer reading."  I picture sunny homes in Hyannis Port and those old Life Magazine images of living like the Kennedys.  I will have to satisfy myself with a new grill and an ice cream maker.

Maybe I'll start a new website and take contributions.  Just snapshots of "How I Spent My Summer."  Yes, that would be the thing.  It could be surprising.


  1. Your collection is my favorite! Congratulation!

  2. You make me glad I turned the comments section back on. Thank you much.
