Originally Posted Monday, November 11, 2013
"coconutdreamin" by ed ross |
I thought this was a portrait of a strange boy for awhile, and I thought him seriously dangerous, the kind of sleepy-eyed goon you'd find in a 1940s detective movie, a true deviant without morals or social conscience. It may be, I don't know, but somehow I doubt it. The photo's title doesn't offer me any clues.
As I keep repeating to you and myself, I am taking off the holidays from creating things in the studio. It is truly awful. I have nightmares. I tell myself it is because I am burned out, but what if that is not the case? What if I just don't have any ideas any more? What if I've reached the end of my ability to think imaginatively? What if I've gotten so old that I can't get the sort of reaction I need from people any longer?
I'll find out, I guess. And if that turns out to be the case, I'll sell a whole bunch of stuff, quit the studio, live like a Buddhist monk, and save a whole bunch of money. Though the Buddhist monk thing might not work if I ever go out. I've not been around so many beautiful women as I was at Sunday brunch for a very long time. It did me no good, of course, and was probably bad for me bye and bye, but I can't seem to put an end to desire as a good monk should.
Nor can I put an end to envy. I envy Ross's work. I am a mess of venial sins. Holy shit! I just Googled "deadly sins" and I am pretty much full of them. The Church says they are the death of grace and charity in the soul--Deadly Sins.
Maybe I should enjoy the Rockwellian photographer more. There are no apparent sins there. But Ross--oh man. . . (link),
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