Saturday, August 30, 2014


Originally Posted Wednesday, March 12, 2014

I will make photos based on this series by Nadar. Youth needs to be measured, regulated.  There are things that need determining.  They need to be subjected to the old wisdom.  They are scary little devils who must learn to respect authority.  If you are in doubt, read this.  In part, it queries, "On Quora, the popular question-and-answer site that has become something of a weather vane for the technorati, one member asks, 'What do people in Silicon Valley plan to do once they hit 35 and are officially over the hill?'"

The real question for me, though, is what do people under thirty-five who have not made it into the upper quartile do?  Apparently they won't buy houses or cars, and they won't shop at Costco (link).  That's bad news if you are thinking of selling your house in the future.  They are not tied to the old ways of thinking.  Hipster culture may be more dangerous to you than you think.  However, they may be a source of evil pleasure, too (link).  A new "in-depth" study shows that sex outsells drugs in most major cities, and you know those entrepreneurs are not over thirty-five. 

They will be, though, and the gap between the millennial haves and have-nots is going to be their problem.  We can begin to realize that the gap between the wealthy and the poor will be exacerbated in the coming years.  All that the poor will have left is the dream of being Justin Bieber cool.  They can hope to be discovered on YouTube.  Or as people over thirty-five most likely call it, The YouTube. 

The good news, I guess, is that adults are becoming more like children in their use of attention deficit hyperactivity meds (link).  Adderall.  It is a gateway drug to staying in touch with your addled children.  I'm tired of looking for the links, but it seems that cancer is about to become the number one killer in the U.S., so kids, don't say we didn't give you anything.  All those chemicals that make you so strong and pretty are probably going to kill you, too.  But like Roy in "Blade Runner," "revel in your time.  The candle that burns brightest. . . ."  Etc.  And you wonder why we are a sleep-deprived nation?  Oh. . . that is much worse for you than you might have thought, too(link).   

The tough part is going to be finding parents who will let me use their children for my series.  Perhaps I will have to offer them payment.  Adderall.  I'll stock up.  I'll buy them phone apps.  I'll tell them their kids will be as cool and famous as Justin Bieber. 

I was sleep deprived for a few days, but no more.  I drank a bottle of wine with an old girlfriend then went to an expensive dinner where I drank a flight of beers.  Home early enough, I had a couple scotches then headed off to bed taking a big hit of Musenix to help break up the cough that has been plaguing me for five weeks.  Slept ten hours and could have slept more. 

No shit.  The world just keeps getting cooler and cooler.

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