Friday, October 10, 2014

A Luxurious Necessity

Originally Posted Monday, July 28, 2014

It looks as if I will get no vacation once again this year.  We'll see, but the tenant's a.c. quit working.  I have called the repair company, but if it is a replacement instead of a repair. . . . It is always something. That is why we work, so we can pay for things.  Not the things we want, of course, unless we are rich, but the things. . . well that we want that we need.  We don't need a.c., of course.  I will tell the tenant that it is a luxury.

The repair company called and said that they are on their way.  I must prepare.  I know you will wait (not) with bated breath to find out how much financial misery I will incur.  No kidding.  This might hurt.

I can think of nothing else right now and am in a hurry, so this is my weak post.  Maybe I'll make up for it tonight.  Ciao for now.

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