Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The Ideology of Beheading

Originally Posted Wednesday, September 3, 2014

How far apart are theory and ideology?  Can the taking up of one lead to the other?  Certainly having one influences the other.  It is almost impossible for me to relax in the world at this moment, difficult not to think about extremists of both parties.  There are people in the world who follow and support leaders who behead journalists.  Journalists for god's sake.  There is nothing heroic or righteous or justified in that, yet half the people in the world would see such an ideology triumph over the evils of the west.  It is difficult to think about white water rafting or spending a month on the beach just now. 

But people do. 

President Obama has had more vacation time than I have.  He's played more golf, lain on more beaches. . . .

My advice is don't let them take you.  Don't let yourself be captured.  Don't get into the car.  Fight to the death at the very first moment. 

Maybe that is what it is like to live in Ferguson.  Maybe that is the mentality there. 

I live in a world where people would shoot me, bomb me, imprison me, behead me.  Who am I counting on not to let that happen?  It is a troubling and perplexing question.  You have to pick a side, it seems, in order to survive.  I don't like the choices, but as someone once said, "A man alone ain't got no bloody chance." 

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