Saturday, March 21, 2015

Carnal Equinox Redux

The day is warm and bright.  The walkers and runners stream by.  Today the hordes will gather on the Boulevard to look at festival art (that is a category).  I will spend the day trying to recover from my bullet train of a life.  I got up tired this morning.  There were reasons.  Now, mid-morning, I'm able to get back to my own form of living.  Such as it is. 

The colors of spring are vibrant.  Yesterday was the Vernal Equinox, or as I most often call it, the Carnal Equinox.  The sap begins to flow, the creeks begin to rise.  Hearts begin to flutter.  There is a primal calling within and without.  The old goat-footed balloon man, etc. 

Seek joy, I say, the stuff that fills the heart and makes you sing.  Joyfulness trumps everything.  To the joyful goes the bounty.  To the joyful go the prize.

But I am tired and will have to sleep.  There has been too much champagne. 

In honor of the season, yesterday I spent the hours getting beautified. I am as fresh now as a spring kitten.  Puppy, I mean. 

The day spins on.  I must away.

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