Thursday, July 10, 2014


Originally Posted Monday, August 5, 2013

I start the week with instant coffee.  It is Starbuck's instant coffee, but it is still instant.  I woke up knowing I had forgotten to buy coffee the day before and that I would have this coffee flavored water instead of the usual Kenyan.  It is not awful, it just doesn't enhance my morning.  It is my fault.  Monday.  Blah. 

Does anyone else think that closing the embassies is the administration's way of saying, "Look, our intelligence programs are working.  If not for our secret snooping, people would die.  It is a trade off.  Trust us.  We have your best interest at heart."  My romance with the Obama administration is like a bad marriage now.  Once you begin to suspect, it is never right again.  It is over once the trust is gone.  The little worm of suspicion can kill the best of love affairs, but this. . . this is no little worm but a giant anaconda of suspicion.  No matter what good they do now, they've cheated on me. 

"But honey, honey. . . I did it for US!" 

It's their world now.  We're just living in it.  And so we go on residing in the same house with the cold affliction that never goes away.  No amount of back rubs or watching a movie together can help us now.  It lingers. 

We've all been down that road, of course, and eventually we move on.  The only way to move on here is to wait for the next lover to catch our eye, a new politician who promises us what we want to hear.  But like all divorcees, we will carry the last suspicions into the new relationship.  The only true lovers/believers are the very young. 

And for the very jaded. . . there is Lonesomeville.  It is a lovely place with everything you could ever desire. . . as long as you desire the right things.  It issues a cold promise to service your lecheries with the illusion of pleasures no longer attainable in your fallen world.  Smoke the opium.  Drink the wine.  Pretend you are among friends.  It will convince you that a good brothel is lovelier than that old whorehouse of life. 

O.K.  I am metaphored out.  But, I think, you can read this in as many ways as you like.  Or not.  It was the best I could do on instant coffee.

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