Saturday, September 19, 2015


They stopped me to talk about my Leica M7.  The son was an aspiring photographer, they said, took classes in high school, etc.  He liked the film camera a lot.  After chatting, I asked if I could take their pictures.  Cool.  It wasn't until this morning that I realized what was on dad's t-shirt--two pandas fucking and the "word" enjoi written below.  They could simply be frolicking, I guess, those two pandas, enjoying a little fun time.  Surely that is it.

So the kid is GenZ. I've been reading about them this morning.  They are not like Millennials.  We know that because people get paid to study them.  For profit.  (link)

Makes sense, I guess.  The little bastards have money and someone has to take it from them.  And that is how "generations" are born.  Advertisers need to know how to sell them.

So, if this kid is anything like his "generation," he will like gaming more than sports and he will not use Facebook or Twitter.  Good for him.

I like this:
That point is not lost on marketers. In an era of emoji and six-second Vine videos, “we tell our advertising partners that if they don’t communicate in five words and a big picture, they will not reach this generation,” said Dan Schawbel, the managing partner of Millennial Branding a New York consultancy.
I'm down.  There are too many words on Twitter.  Who has time.

Their brains process information faster but not for very long.  They communicate in "bite sized snack media."  They are made for the world to come.  If you are a millennial or worse, part of GenX, you'd better be prepared to change the way you live and what you think.  These kids will own you.  I don't think you are prepared for the world to come.

I am.  I'm down with them.  Generation Z.  It's O.K. with me.


  1. Tumblr is where they all are now. I've learned so much from tumblr!

  2. Me, too. That's where all the pictures of naked people go :)
