Sunday, August 17, 2014

T.V. Guide

Originally Posted Monday, January 27, 2014

Sick all weekend, I did not cook for my mother last night.  I feel bad about it, but I just didn't have it in me.  Rather, I sat on the couch and watched three hours of "Banshee."  It is a wonderfully horrible show.  Nothing in it makes any fucking sense, but it is well done nonsense.  I just can't imagine writing the scripts.  The writers must sit around on acid and say to one another, "No, it's great. . . it makes sense, it makes sense. . . I mean, holy shit man. .  . and then he just calls this tranny who has all the power on his computer to get him out of a locked down room in a museum. . . no man, it's BRILLIANT!  Nobody cares."

But I watch it.  If you are anything like me, a feminist who likes beautiful older women without clothes. . . well. . . it is just inspirational.  Truly. 

I recorded the third installment of "True Detective" last night.  I want to like it.  If the cinematography was as good as that on "Banshee," it would be better.  Instead, it often looks like a CBS drama.  The images just don't have depth.  And to tell the truth, Woody Harrelson's corn pone and Matthew McConaughy's faux-depth aren't working for me, either.  And so far, nothing has really happened.  I guess we are just supposed to like to watch people act. 

I think that in general, most shows lose their brilliance because they take too long between seasons.  "Mad Men" is coming back in a few weeks or months--who knows?--and I don't even remember where it left off.  Last season sucked.  That's what I remember.  The show was so brilliantly written, and then it was like it had dementia and couldn't remember where it was going.  They dropped all the best parts.

I hate being a consumer. 

Well, no, I like it when it's good.  I am very good at it then.  Better than most, probably.  I have a deep appreciation of things then, and I feel fortunate.  It is even better when I am producing, too.  It is important to produce. 

And other dictums/platitudes. 

I'm chalking it up to the illness.  I have been achey all weekend and have been alone.  Such conditions do not build a strong mind. 

I posted today's photo just to cheer me up, to give me a giggle, to make me laugh.  It is raining and the factory whistle is blowing.  On to the grimmer things.

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