Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Covid Free

I tested negative for Covid yesterday.  Now the long slow road to recovery.  Two weeks is a long time to stay in bed, to sit around the house alone.  It has made me stranger by measures, I'm sure.  But now the long march back to "normal."  I will get a booster vaccine, too.  I just read that this will make me a rock star of immunity.  I'll keep my fingers crossed.  

Tonight I'll go to my mother's and fix her a good meal.  She will be delighted.  

As with most things, however, the return to normal comes at a cost.  When Mr. Tree called yesterday, I told him about the test results.  He still wanted to bring dinner to me, he said.  Great.  His girl cooks like a wizard.  By eight o'clock, it was clear he wasn't bringing anything.  I ended up eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  

He will come today to collect the money.  I will be very sad about how much he charges me, I know.  

Today's headline is that Superman is Queer.  So reports CNN, anyway,  Their lead, not mine.  A much smaller tagline reports that the IRS wants banks to send more information to them about your bank accounts.  

Obviously, Trump will be re-elected.  

Holy shit!  This just in!: "But he was 100 years old and in great shape.  Of course he was gay!"

I sent that to all my gay friends.  Good responses there.  

I just wish Superman would show up in a pair of those slippers, but you know, femme is out.  CNN is in.  

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